Friday, November 15, 2013

Opposition of rezoning

Recently the planning board approved the rezoning of a property located in my district.  I want to voice my strong opposition to the rezoning and let all my constituents know that I will help in any way that I can to make sure that the property in question does not become zoned C1 commercial.    This property is currently zoned residential and the owner of the property would like to make it C1 (commercial).  The property along Summit Blvd and Spanish Trial is mostly residential and this rezoning would not be in line with the neighborhood.  Over the past few days a group of concerned citizen have started a movement to stop the rezoning of this property to C1.  I met with several of these citizens today and expressed my disapproval.  My real estate partner Don Neal was contacted by the owner of the property to help facilitate the sale.  This relationship has caused me to have a conflict of interest, and per the Florida Code of Ethics, I will have to abstain from the voting on this issue should it come before council.  I am always available via my cell phone 850-393-6014 and my email if you would like to reach out to me. I will make sure and let everyone know any updates as I receive them.