Thursday, March 21, 2013

City Council and CMPA prove more government is not the answer.

Government should be simple.  The Mayor negotiates a lease, the lease is sent to the City Council, the lease is approved or not. Simple.  The city council was presented a lease last Committee of the Whole.  Instead of discussing the merits of that lease we decided to punt and send it to the CMPA for discussion.   Now it looks like the Y and the City are back at square one.  Is it just me or does it seem like we are moving in reverse?  I had issues with the lease as presented to me prior to our COW meeting.  I called the Y officials, voiced my concerns, and they were agreeable to my proposed changes.  When I arrived at the meeting I assumed that all my colleagues had done the same and I was ready to discuss the lease and vote.  I knew that we were all not going to agree. I also know that there are some council members who do not want anything to do with a Y at the maritime park.  Vote No and let's move to the next item.  I know there are council members who felt ambushed by the lease and were offended.  Vote No and let's move to the next item. I know there are council members who disagreed with the process. Vote No and let's move on to the next item. The Y and the Mayor have the resposiilbity to bring a lease in front of us. It is the job of the city council to approve or not approve of that lease. It is up to the council members to make sure they have the proper information to make a fair and accurate decision. I have not always been given everything, so I actively sought the answers I needed. This City Council needs to stop passing the buck and stand up for what they believe in.....just like Fred Gunther did.

1 comment:

  1. Andy, thanks for your candid comments. I sat through the COW meeting last week and said the same thing.
